MailServe for El Capitan Step 1—Sending Mail to other Mail Servers, using the Outgoing Panel Step 2—Receiving Mail from other Mail Servers Step 3—Setting up POP3 and/or IMAP Servers using Dovecot Step 4—Setting up Fetchmail Step 5—Spam Filtering & Mail User Accounts Management The Mail Log
The Mail Queue
De-Installing MailServe
Release Log 9.0 October 5th 2015. MailServe for El Capitan released. 9.0.1 October 15th 2015. Procmail is no longer found on El Capitan and Spambayes no longer works. I’m working on a fix for that. In the mean time, using a RBL (Realtime Black List) site helps. 9.0.2 October 17th 2015. This version includes procmail, so SpamBayes works again. But if you have to use RBL spam block lists, I’ve found these two sites work for me :, Enter that into the Real-time Black Lists (RBL) field in the Spam Panel and Restart Mail Server. Between using the RBL field and running SpamBayes, the volume of spam can be cut down to a really manageable level, without losing too much mail that you really want to receive. 9.0.3 October 17th 2015. Fixed the annoying “overriding earlier entry” messages. Also fixed a bug whereby if you’ve set Postfix up to use RBL sites, they block even an authenticated user from sending mail remotely. 9.0.4 October 18th 2015. Improved the user interface for starting, restarting and stopping the SpamBayes training job. 9.0.5 November 21st 2015. Dovecot Replication. MailServe has a new feature to turn on Dovecot’s excellent replication feature. Imagine running two mail servers, with one a complete replica of the other. If one fails, you’ve got all your users’ mail folders completely backed up on the other. And it runs automatically. When new mail comes, or when a user rerranges the contents of his mail folders, the backup mail server gets all the changes, within seconds. And it works in both directions. Make a change in one server – the change will automatically show up on the other. All the mail administrator has to do is : 1) enter the address of the replica server (that is also running Dovecot, as set up by MailServe), 2) enter a shared secret between the two servers, 3) turn the replication feature on, 4) Restart Mail Server. And you need to mirror the same steps on the replica server. That’s It. 