Art & Technology – A New Unity?

Even PC users concede that the Mac's great for art, graphics and design. But packed into even a tiny Mac Mini is everything that is needed to run a business on—host a web site, share your ideas, create a community, market your services, execute transactions, account for cash flows, coordinate a project team, share calendars, etc.

There's a whole lot of powerful technologies built into every Mac - Apache, WebDav, Postfix, SMTP, POP, IMAP, Fetchmail, iCal, MySQL, SQLite, SSL, DNS, SSH, PHP, LDAP. That's enough to help even a small company with limited resources to outperform bigger, better-endowed competition.

All we need is a way to turn them on.

Our projects focus on this theme - helping ordinary Mac, iPhone and iPad users unlock the full potential of their machines.


A full-featured, accrual-based double-entry accounting system. Create unlimited levels for the Chart of Accounts. Auto postings and rollbacks. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss reporting. Tracks receipts, disbursements, receivables, payables, and Statement of Accounts. Supports multiple currencies, calculates forex gain or loss. Emphasises accuracy, data verification, auditability and traceability. And more. Runs on Big Sur.


Helps Mac users set up a totally buzzword-compliant mail server in less than a minute, the Mac Way. It sets up SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and Fetchmail services, with or without SSL, SMTP-authentication for the Postfix client & server, Virtual Alias Domains, IPv6 over SSL for POP and IMAP, Real-time BlackLists, alternate port nos, mail queue management, etc. Available in Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra,High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, VenturaSonoma and Sequoia ersions.


Configures OS X's built-in web server to support WebDAV, PHP, and SSL. With WebDAV turned on, your web server acts like an iDisk, allowing you to connect to the WebDav folder remotely, securely, and directly from the Finder, so you can save, share, and distribute your files folders and iCal calendars. Web server log can be monitored remotely. Available in Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, VenturaSonoma and Sequoia versions.

DNS Agent

DNS Agent monitors the IP address of the machine it is running on and updates the DNS Server managing the domain name of that machine with its latest IP address, whenever that address changes. It is suitable for use in machines with dynamically assigned IP address, to keep its domain name in sync with its IP address at all times. DNS Agent is able to update two kinds of DNS Servers - BIND name servers set up by DNS Enabler for Snow Leopard, and servers, if the user has an account with Available in Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, VenturaSonoma and Sequoia versions.

Letsencrypt Enabler

Let’s Encrypt is a movement. According to its website, it is a nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to over 225 million websites. These are first class digital certs, that can be used for any number of domains and sub-domains, for free.

So, imagine being able to immediately “issue” these certificates, with just one click, and use them with your websites (using WebMon) or mail servers (using MailServe) — again, with just one click? Now you can. Letsencrypt Enabler will also help you automatically renew these certificates at the end of their validity period (90 days), and reboot your web and mail servers (if you’re using WebMon and MailServe). Available for Big Sur, Monterey, VenturaSonoma and Sequoia versions. 

VPN Enabler

Want to access your Facebook page while traveling in places where they’re filtered out (dare I mention where)? Take three short steps and just one click. That’s all it takes to get your own VPN Server running, and burrow a hole through the Great Firewall. Available for El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra and Mojave.

OpenVPN Enabler

This installs the alternative OpenVPN Server on a Mac. There's a version for Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, VenturaSonoma and Sequoia versions. OpenVPN Enabler also sets up the OpenVPN client on the Mac and produces mobileconfig profiles for iOS devices — one app and one click to set up a VPN connection.


Liya accesses 3 database systems - MySQL 8.x, PostgreSQL 14.x and SQLite3 - using one single interface. Create and alter databases, tables and contents. Access any number of databases simultaneously. Drag and drop table structures, field definitions & data rows between them, even across database systems. Works for Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura and Sequoia. Also downloadable from the Mac App Store.

You can also download the latest MySQL and PostgreSQL installers for Monterey and Ventura (both ARM and Intel) here, or from the Liya web page.

And our free apps...


Use your iPhone to scan any printed page and WordScanner will lift the text off the page for you to paste into any other app. 1. Scan the page. 2. Crop the text. 3. OCR. 4. Switch to any other app and paste. It's that simple. WordScanner. Available free for on the iOS App Store.


Keep a list of books to read on your iPhone by scanning in their ISBN bar code numbers. The app will tell you where each book can be found in the Singapore National Library Board (NLB) system. Also, when you walk into any NLB branch library, the app will tell you which of the books in your to-read list can be found there, together with their call numbers, so you can quickly locate the book. BookNapper. Available free for on the iOS App Store.

About Cutedge

Cutedge is Bernard Teo, and Bee Khim.

“Hewers of wood and drawers of water”...

Why do we do it ?

It's the mail we love to get :

On April 30th 2022, Donatello Masellis wrote about WebMon and MailServe:

Both of them are great applications and they work properly as described. Satisfaction between 0 to 10, i would say 11+.

Read more user reviews


Bernard Teo
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Joy of Tech ... from Geek Culture


This web site is built using RAIN, my webpage design and website management tool. It’s free. 

"We've always tried to be at the intersection of technology and liberal arts, to be able to get the best of both, to make extremely advanced products from a technology point of view, but also have them be intuitive, easy to use, fun to use, so that they really fit the users—the users don't have to come to them, they come to the user."

—Steve Jobs, Apple (WWDC 2010)

MySQL 8.0.30 Installer for MacOS Monterey and Ventura

Intel x86 version for MySQL

ARM version for MySQL

PostgreSQL 14.5 Installer for MacOS Monterey and Ventura

Intel version for PostgreSQL

ARM version for PostgreSQL

These SQL database installers come with Preference Panes that stop and start the database server and allow the user to start the database on custom ports.

And the MySQL installer now sets up the server to act as either end of a replication server - master or slave - out of the box.