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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Mon 23 Jun 2003

Comes a Time

Category : Commentary/oreillynutshell.txt

While we're waiting for the Stevenote to begin at WWDC, here's a very interesting feature on Tim O'Reilly (publisher of the O'Reilly books and the MacDevCentre site much loved by Unix geeks) at

Note O'Reilly's observation that we've reached an unusually interesting inflexion point - brought about by the creation of Mac OS X - which involves "Mac users re-upping to enjoy the benefits of a robust digital hub, Windows switchers seeing the light, and hackers switching from other Unix systems or even multiple systems."

I'm seeing all these and loving it. Not too long ago, I was spending more time on my laptop than on my PowerBook, building systems for others, and feeling the life being slowly leeched out of me.

Yonder lay a dead-end. But there's a time for rest and a time for reflection. And I feel the belief coming back. When you want to do things differently, you need to seek out the alternative platform - because it's too crowded where everybody else is. That felt shaky a while back but I feel it getting stronger. (And what would tomorrow bring at WWDC?).

New technologies break through at inflexion points - with new opportunities. It's time to get back in the hunt.

The last paragraph in the O'Reilly feature is interesting. "O'Reilly wrote an honours thesis at Harvard on the tension between mysticism and logic in Plato's dialogues." A renaissance man.

Posted at 3:56PM UTC | permalink

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