Business Machine

Tue 27 Apr 2004
Postfix Enabler 1.1 Beta ready for download
Category : Technology/PFE1dot1BetaRelease.txt
I've created a web page for Postfix Enabler 1.1 Beta. You can find it here : You can download the latest beta release and let me know how it goes. I know only enough Unix and AppleScript Studio, and Postfix and SpamAssassin, to get all these done. I still don't know anything about Perl. But I want to get all these done and move back to doing Java. Hope all these have been useful. I hope I've got all the license notices correct. Don't want to get into trouble over these. "License breached!" Not again. Sometimes it seems like so much trouble. But let's see what we can learn.
Posted at 7:18AM UTC | permalink
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