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by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Sat 26 Jun 2004

The Most Useful Machine in the World

Category : Technology/theUsefulBook.txt

I've just had a conversation with my wife, using iChat and the wireless network at the San Francisco Apple Store. When the background noise got too loud and I can't hear her, we reverted to using just text. Got to talk to the kid, too.

"It's a free call, how cool can you get?", goes the Apple Panther commercial (I'm sitting at the theatre), as I'm typing this.

And last night, tired out from the long trip over the Pacific, and the long trudge up Powell Street, the silence that awaited me at the hotel room got to be a bit too oppressive. I hadn't had time to think about the trip and, before I knew it, I was there, wishing I was home (the great view that I had of the lights of San Francisco from the hotel room, notwithstanding). So what to do? I decided to turn on iTunes. Music to unpack with, and get your soul back. Lift the gloom. Maybe this is not going to be so bad, after all.

You know, this iBook is probably the most useful Mac that I've ever had. I'm always working on it. If you exclude sleeping hours, I probably spend a lot more time on it, or with it, than without it. Once my camera is recharged, I'll be able to organise the pictures I've taken today. I've trekked up and down the hills today and didn't feel its weight.

I was hoping to find a place I could jack in and get all my mail. The Apple Store is it, as I had hoped. Tomorrow evening, when registration starts for WWDC, I will have another place to connect home.

Nothing, not even having a PC with free Internet access to use at the hotel, beats using your own machine. Everything I need is on my iBook. Wherever I can find an Airport network, that's my office.

A little note to myself. Singtel mobile phone users with Roaming facilities activated can call home by dialing *121*65phone_number#

Posted at 3:40AM UTC | permalink

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