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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Fri 24 Dec 2004

Java on Mac OS X Course (Dec 21 and 22, 2004)

Category : Technology/JavaOnOSX2122Dec.txt

Usually, when you see a picture like this at Apple Singapore, you would think Final Cut Pro or QuickTime or iLife or, at most, an OS X Server Administration class is underway.

But we had about 18 people turning up at Apple Singapore for "Java on Mac OS X". Quite a lot of them were Java programmers - some new to the Mac, some already Mac users who will bleed in seven colours, having used the Mac since pre-OS X days.

Most are seeing the Mac do these things for the first time - Oracle running on a PowerBook, and an iBook and every other Mac in the room turned into Java 2 Enterprise Edition web servers. Also, by the middle of the second day, they're all not just able to build Cocoa applications, but Cocoa applications using Java. Surely, not your grandfather's Mac anymore.

If you put all these things together, it's difficult to deny that the Mac is a serious enterprise-class software development (and delivery) platform. Really, nothing else even comes close.

I think we're getting better at explaining things and getting people up to speed doing productive work during the two days they spent with us.

The feedback from the attendees has been pretty good and that meant a lot of us. We really put in a lot of effort designing the course so that the topics flow smoothly from start to finish. And all using original material, culled from the systems we have built, unavailable elsewhere on the Internet, at least not as the one single integrated whole - from command line, to Cocoa, and to the web.

There is a book in there somewhere.

Posted at 6:58AM UTC | permalink

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