Thu 11 Aug 2005
WebMon 1.1.4
Category : Technology/WebMon114.txt
This is WebMon 1.1.4. 
I've re-arranged the workflow so that WebMon works like Postfix Enabler and DNS Enabler, at least initially, where you work locally on the server. It takes only a couple of minutes to turn on PHP, WebDAV, and SSL on the server. And to check that WebMon's web server monitor feature works. But unlike the current versions of Postfix Enabler and DNS Enabler, WebMon works across a network. This is potentially very powerful but it may not work for everyone because many things could go wrong while setting up the remote connection. Re-arranging the work flow this way allows me to unveil the remote admin capability in a couple of steps, and hopefully I can take the user across safely, while offering him or her useful things that work at each step of the way. It may need a little bit more work and the interface needs to be a little bit less harsh but I think I'm getting there.
Posted at 12:45PM UTC | permalink