Business Machine

Technology, business
and innovation.

And, not least, about
the Mac.

Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Sun 09 Oct 2005

Care to show me your work?

Category : Technology/MacAtWorkShowCase.txt

WebMon and DNS Enabler have been doing quite well, and for this I'm very thankful. I'm wondering how people are doing and what they're building with these tools, including Postfix Enabler or Luca.

If anybody is willing to send me links about how they're doing, using Macs for their businesses, and especially if the tools here have been of use, I would love to feature them in these pages. Just send me a note.

I'm also getting an impression that the Mac Mini is a very popular machine among the people who're setting up their own servers. I love the Mac Mini. It's been performing beautifully and quietly.

Posted at 10:33AM UTC | permalink

IP over Firewire

Category : Technology/IPoverFirewire.txt

While debugging WebMon today, I found that SSL doesn't work between two machines, a client and server, when they're connected across a firewire cable.

My two iBooks sensed each other immediately when they were connected via firewire. Using their Bonjour (previously known as Rendezvous) xxx.local names, I can connect from one to the other via SSH and HTTP, but not HTTPs.

That's interesting. Connect two Macs via a simple ethernet cable and it just works (no cross-over cable needed). Connect two Macs via a firewire cable and it (almost) just works. Did somebody at Apple miss this? I'll come back and explore this when I get the time.

Posted at 10:17AM UTC | permalink

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A Mac Business Toolbox
A survey of the possibilities

A Business Scenario
How we could use Macs in businesses

VPN Enabler for Mavericks

MailServe for Mavericks

DNS Enabler for Mavericks

DNS Agent for Mavericks

WebMon for Mavericks

Luca for Mavericks

Liya for Mountain Lion & Mavericks

Postfix Enabler for Tiger and Panther

Sendmail Enabler for Jaguar

Services running on this server, a Mac Mini running Mac OS X 10.9.2 Mavericks:

  • Apache 2 Web Server
  • Postfix Mail Server
  • Dovecot IMAP Server
  • Fetchmail
  • SpamBayes Spam Filter
  • Procmail
  • BIND DNS Server
  • DNS Agent
  • WebDAV Server
  • VPN Server
  • PHP-based weblog
  • MySQL database
  • PostgreSQL database

all set up using MailServe, WebMon, DNS Enabler, DNS Agent, VPN Enabler, Liya and our SQL installers, all on Mavericks.