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by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Fri 07 Apr 2006

"Why should an app developer write for both Mac OS X and Windows if he doesn't have to?"

Category : Commentary/worlddomination.txt

One LinuxWorld attendee, who is a J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) middleware developer for a Fortune 500 company, wondered why Apple would make such a move. "Why should an app developer write for both Mac OS X and Windows if he doesn't have to?" he asked. - eWeek

My answer would be : when he would much rather program with Cocoa than anything else in the world, and as long as there are Mac users who appreciate it, which I would bet my life on.

Apple's market share is "miniscule" right now. And yet writing software for it already makes a nice business.

Are there going to be less Macs sold in the world now that a Mac can also run Windows?

There's no point wasting energy arguing against the "This is the beginning of the end of the Mac" people.

All I know is that if Adobe or Quark or anyone who doesn't want to program for the Mac, then that's good because I will. There are so many things I feel that it's now possible to build because Cocoa makes it possible. Anyone remembers Improv? I'd love to build that.

If there are less developers, so much the better for us. But is it better for the users? Well, if these guys prefer to build on Java Enterprise Edition, blah, blah, blah, and we build on what we think works best, let us compete and see who comes up with things that will work better for the user. That's how the user will benefit.

Posted at 8:39AM UTC | permalink

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