Sat 16 Dec 2006
A Denial of Service Attack?
Category : Technology/DoS.txt
I think I'm getting what looks like a Denial of Service attack, since 12 hours ago, and it looks like it's getting worse. 
The way it works is that my web server is getting lots of hits from all over and since the server can't distinguish between "real" and "simulated" hits, it wastes resources responding to the evil ones and so deny service to the legitimate users. This can bring the site down. It's probably some Windows guy who doesn't like what I wrote in these pages. For some time it has been suggested that I write Firewall software, like Brickwall (now known as Flying Buttress), to round up my collection. But I never could find the time. Looks like I've been forced to go down this road, to understand what is going on. I'll be a computer security expert, at the end of all this, if I can figure out how to put a stop to this. Help would be most appreciated. So, if you're wondering why this site is slow, this is the reason :-(
Posted at 4:08AM UTC | permalink