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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Tue 26 Dec 2006

A Leopard Christmas

Category : Commentary/leopardChristmas.txt

This was my Christmas gift, to myself - the Leopard Early Start Kit. Well, what can you get a guy who has everything (he needs :-) ?

But this gift took three days to unwrap. It's a 5.4 gig download and when it broke, inevitably, after a day or so of downloading, I had to start all over again - until I realised that you can interrupt the download, make a backup of what had been downloaded up to then, and then when I next hit a break in the connection, restart from the point where I had last made the backup.

I found that I could even move the download to a faster machine midway through the download - by pretending to start a download session on that other machine, "steal" its DownloadEntryIdentifier, below, and give it to the download file that I'd been building up - and the download will carry on from where it left off. If this information could help the other people on the Apple Developer Connection program shepherd their downloads toward completion, then it could perhaps alleviate the congestion those Apple servers must be experiencing.

I had expected a boxed set, but it looks like I'm not going to get one. My Apple Store order shows that it has been completed. (You mean, I don't even get a T-shirt? The Developer Connection T-shirt I got the last time I signed up remains my favourite). One moment I had 500 USD and the next it's sucked out to Apple and all I got are these lousy downloads. What a great way Apple has found to print money.

Anyway, my Leopard exploration starts in earnest. "Another year over and what had we done?" I'll have a better idea what I can do next year when this week is done.

And, yes, a Merry Christmas and a Great Year Ahead to all who'd dropped by.

Posted at 1:04PM UTC | permalink

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