Fri 26 Oct 2007
WebMon for Leopard
Category : Commentary/WebMonForLeopard.txt
Okay, I'm done with a version of WebMon for Leopard, as well. It's been a long - sometimes discouraging - journey, getting all these applications to work again on Leopard because I often feel like I've been going over the same ground again and again. It has been so much work just to recover the same set of features. But the ground has changed, underneath. There's much that we can now build on. I think I read somewhere Steve Jobs saying, this - Leopard - is the foundation for a decade of improvements and we will go on from here, polishing and improving the applications. There's a lot I am looking forward to building, from here on. I'm now moving on to setting up the web pages for these new Leopard-ready versions. With any luck, I can get them done before the sun comes up again. Then I'll go to a shop and buy a retail copy of Leopard to test out. It's been a miscalculation, buying from the online store. So much for guaranteed delivery on the 26th.
Posted at 6:22PM UTC | permalink
Leopard ships but where's my copy?
Category : Commentary/LeopardShipsBut.txt
Question : Just looked at your blog and saw that there is a new version of your software but I am not sure where I can download it and buy it. Could you please provide a link or let us know if they will be available later today or tomorrow?
Posted at 1:48PM UTC | permalink
Leopard Ships
Category : Commentary/LeopardShips.txt
Any minute now, my copy of Leopard should be arriving at the door. I've just gotten MailServe and DNS Enabler for Leopard done, but I hadn't had much time to test the recent changes that I'd made to the applications to keep pace with the last developer release. And I can't quite believe there aren't going to be any further surprises with the final Leopard release. I've still some way to go yet with WebMon and I have still to get all the web page documentation updated. This is how MailServe for Leopard looks like : and DNS Enabler for Leopard : Got to get back to work now.
Posted at 12:05PM UTC | permalink