Business Machine

Sun 24 Jul 2011
MailServe and DNS Enabler for Lion Updates
Category : Technology/MSandDNSEforLionUpdates.txt
I've released new updates for MailServe and DNS Enabler. With MailServe for Lion 5.0.1, I updated Dovecot to its current latest version, 2.0.13. I also fixed two problems with Dovecot. Dovecot can now allow SSL ports (995 and 993) to be opened without requiring the corresponding default ports (110 and 143) to be opened, too (so that you can force a user to connect to Dovecot only via SSL). Also, this update restores Dovecot's ability to support custom port numbers for POP and IMAP. Please remember to save your config, do a de-install from MailServe's Help menu, re-open the saved config, and then restart all the services, in order to get these latest Dovecot binaries. For DNS Enabler for Lion 5.0.1, I fixed a problem whereby the dyndnsupdate.key used to support dynamic updates cannot be found on a Lion system with a case-sensitive file system. So, it's really not that easy to build and support these systems because there are so many variations to test and consider.
Posted at 10:42AM UTC | permalink
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