Business Machine
Tue 14 Feb 2012
Luca for Lion 4.0.1
Category : Technology/LucaForLion4dot0dot1.txt
I released Luca for Lion 4.0.1 this morning. I'm cleaning up and simplifying the code, and reducing the number of buttons everywhere - to use only the minimum necessary to get the job done. The more I simplify, the cleaner the code-base that I can build from to put in the long-requested enhancements.
From the Release Notes :
Luca looks first for a Lucadb database containing the accounting data next to the app. If it can't find one, it looks for a Lucadb in the user's Documents folder. If it still can't find one, it creates a fresh Lucadb in Documents, with an example Chart of Accounts and sample vouchers (payments, receipts, payables and receivables) created for the current month.
Luca can export the Lucadb to either MySQL or PostgreSQL. Changes have been made to simplify this. You choose which place to export the database to. Luca allows you to test the connection (the destination database must already been created, but which can be left empty) first. If the connection is OK, you're allowed to proceed with the export. Once the export finishes, the connection is saved in a pop-up menu, so you can switch to it.
This is designed to give Luca only one place where the user can switch databases, so that all the set-up tables and the default currencies are all changed cleanly.
Posted at 11:16AM UTC | permalink
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