Fri 10 Aug 2012
WebMon for Mountain Lion 6.0.1
Category : Technology/WebMon6dot0dot1.txt
There are bugs all over the place whenever we move from one major OS X version to the next.
This time it's WebMon. Somehow, delegate connections between a table view and its controller has to be deleted and re-created when we move from Lion to Mountain Lion. I don't know if this is pervasive or if this only hit that one unfortunate NSTableView in WebMon but it's a warning we've got to peek at every corner of our code when we move our apps to Mountain Lion.
So, the problem in WebMon's case manifests itself like this : you need to create an SSL certificate, so you change the default domain name from "localhost" to that of your main domain in the lists of domains. For convenience, I will automatically change the domain name that gets matched into the SSL cert. But in Mountain Lion, the SSL cert's domain name remains stuck at "localhost". Very fun. This has now been fixed in version 6.0.1.
I also took the opportunity to update the IP address-to-country lookup mechanism with the latest mappings, as of 10th August 2012.
WebMon for Mountain Lion version 6.0.1 is here.
Posted at 4:24AM UTC | permalink