Business Machine
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Sun 04 Jun 2006
Category : Commentary/blocked.txt
It's been some time since I wrote anything here. But my kid's been sick the last week and that had knocked the stuffing out of me. Fortunately he's better now and I can get back to work. But I'm wondering where the time has gone. In some ways, the Business Machine idea really did work - if you've written to me the last week, I'd still be responding as quickly as I could, as I usually do. And we'd still be selling our software 24/7, since the system does it all on its own. But some of the things I planned to do had ground to a halt, while I wondered when the kid's fever is going to break. So we're not there yet with the idea that the business is going to be able to function even when I'm not. But when I do, I would have realised my idea of the ultimate business machine. Anyway, got to get back to work. Luca's been going quite well and we'll have a new release by next week. This may not mean much, if you're just using WebMon, DNS Enabler, Postfix Enabler, etc, but if I can just do a PayPal-based demo of an on-line store that is hooked up to Luca as an accounting/financial analysis tool at the back-end, then you may see just what I am seeing - that the Mac, with its combination of right and left-brained thinking, could make a fantastically powerful platform to build a vibrant, thriving, fun, yet manageable business on.
Posted at 7:35AM UTC | permalink
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