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Tue 14 Mar 2006
Comic Life
Category : Commentary/comiclife.txt
So, following on from the previous post, it's quite possible that you can get great music coming out of your PC, too. But what about this? Comic Life - I've been exploring the applications that came with the iMac Core Duo and I did this in about five minutes ... I was showing my kid what we can do on our Macs, now that he's inherited my old iBook. I believe that being able to tell a good story is one of our most enduring traits as human beings - it goes all the way back to Homer and the Tao Te Ching. More than even mastery over technology, our story-telling skill has been at the heart of how we came to be inspired, cajoled and organised to make progress through the ages. That's what all the arguments about Macs vs PCs have missed out - the access to the tradition of design, story-telling, and aesthetics that one is exposed to when one is using a Mac. Now, how could a techie possibly understand that? That's why we're always going to be arguing at cross-purposes. But I don't care anymore. I don't care to give my kid a headstart in technology. I only hope that he'll be able to tell a good story. Because that will stand him in good stead for the rest of his life.
Posted at 3:48PM UTC | permalink