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by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Business Machine - Archives

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Sat 14 Jun 2003

Holland Village

Category : Commentary/hollandv.txt

It's been a long time since I've been to Holland Village, this little leafy oasis at the Holland/Buona Vista junction. But it still feels good.

I've spent a lot of time wondering what makes Holland V work. It has always been my favourite place in the whole of Singapore. I practically camped there in my student days. Tonight, I can see my kid enjoying it. It's so much easier stuffing food into him when, perched on the railing on top of Deli-France, he's going, "Look Mummy, Porsche, BMW, Morgan".

Morgan. He's 3 years old and he recognises a Morgan. But not simple words like Apple. There's a book that I read a called "Branded - The Buying and Selling of Teenagers" that discusses this phenomena among the kids.

And, there's that distinctive rumble of the Harley-Davidson. So Holland V is a smart place - a good second-hand bookshop, antiques, smart restaurants, banks, supermart, chic cafes, fashionable clothes.

It's an expatriate enclave. But before it gets too snooty, it's overrun by the slippered brigade pouring out from the HDB heartland of Queenstown. Then there's the University/Poly students. Arty, crafty, MBA types. And the sarong party girls. All mingling in perfect harmony.

A thriving community, united in commerce. You can feel the churn. Just what we need to drive us out of the recession.

What does it take to build a community like Holland V in cyberspace? To build it from out of nothing. That will make me believe in magic.

Posted at 5:19PM UTC | permalink

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