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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Sun 18 Jun 2006


Category : Commentary/sinistra.txt

I've often wondered about the terms "left" and "right", as in "the countercultural left".

I happened upon the answer among a pile of newspapers that I've just had the time to catch up on. Janadas Devan, in the Sunday Times, explains :

"The political distinction between "left" and "right" arose from the seating arrangement in the French National Assembly during the Revolution. Those for the Revolution sat on the left, and those against, on the right."

He was explaining, in an article on The Da Vinci Code, how Dan Brown got it wrong in assuming that radical thought is called "left wing" because the left had always had negative overtones, from the Italian sinistra, meaning sinister.

So, there's nothing sinister about having radical left wing ideas.

Posted at 12:11PM UTC | permalink

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