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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Thu 03 Nov 2005

The Spare Room Tycoon

Category : Commentary/spareRoomTycoon.txt

I am told that there is a Yiddish saying - not so much a proverb as a cry of faithful exasperation - that translates as "God will provide. If only He would provide until He provides." - James Chan

I'm reading this book, Spare Room Tycoon by James Chan. Most books about "being your own man" and running your own business are quite smug, as if the authors believe they're more believeable if they're enviably rich and successful. But the reality of life as an entrepreneur is rather different :

Recently, at the supermarket, I encountered someone I met when I was first starting out. After he marveled that I had survived all these years, he remarked, "You must be really rich." When I told him I wasn't, at least not by his Wharton School standards, he became almost contemptuous. "The only reason to be in business for yourself is to make lots of money," he said, pushing his cart rapidly toward the fancy crackers. I was left standing where I was, scrutinizing both the broccoli and the way I have lived my life.

I came across this book years ago, but forgot about it, and I'm glad I re-discovered this, serendipitously, among some obscure shelves at our Library. It's come at the right time.

Posted at 1:48PM UTC | permalink

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