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Sun 17 Jan 2010
PostgreSQL Installer
Category : Technology/PostgresInstaller.txt
This is Hai Hwee's PostgreSQL installer. It's almost done and will include a Preference Pane. There's a Postgres installer for OS X at the Postgres site but it doesn't work very well. It changes some memory settings on the Mac, requires a reboot (always a sign that things are not quite right), and the Mac will refuse to go to sleep on its own after that. So we need our own installer. So now, knowing how the OS X installer and preference pane work, we can easily make installers for custom builds of MySQL and PostgreSQL. Between Maven and these installers, there's just one missing piece - something in Maven that will allow us to create database users and their access rights quickly and in a consistent way across the two databases. Once we have that done, it will be very easy to set up new database-driven web sites with just a few quick clicks. We should be able to get there soon.
Posted at 4:15AM UTC | permalink