Tue 26 Sep 2023
Category : Technology/Sonoma.txt

I've released Mac OS Sonoma versions for all my "Enabler" apps. https://cutedgesystems.com
Posted at 7:25AM UTC | permalink
Sat 17 Jun 2023
Category : Technology/DeDollarisation.txt

I now have another payment method - Stripe. And, from Ventura onwards, as a treat to my customers, I will now receive payment in my own country's Singapore Dollars, which represents an across-the-board 20 percent discount. Enjoy!
Posted at 1:25AM UTC | permalink
Wed 09 Nov 2022
MacOS Ventura 13.1 beta 2
Category : Technology/Ventura13dot1beta2.txt
This seems to have fixed the LaunchDaemons failure-to-launch problem introduced in 13.1 beta 1, thankfully. We can now move on to more productive work but I hope it won't break again, in subsequent updates.
Posted at 1:43PM UTC | permalink
Sun 30 Oct 2022
Ventura 13.1 first beta
Category : Technology/Ventura13dot1FirstBeta.txt
All launchdaemons inside /Library/LaunchDaemons won't launch on reboot. The launchdaemon plists seem to still work if you launch them manually with launchctl load -w but they don't survive a reboot. It was still OK with Ventura 13.0 but something seems to have changed at the system level with 13.1. I've tried every variation with configuring the plists but nothing works. There is a new SMAppService API with Ventura 13 betas but it's still too new - the old system needs to work until we've safely migrated to the new system. Changing horses in midstream and drowning... Does anyone else see this?
Posted at 9:56AM UTC | permalink
Wed 12 Oct 2022
MacOS Ventura versions of my Enabler apps
Category : Technology/Ventura.txt
MacOS Ventura versions of my "Enabler" apps : MailServe for Ventura DNS Enabler for Ventura DNS Agent for Ventura WebMon for Ventura Letsencrypt Enabler for Ventura OpenVPN Enabler for Ventura They're all out and accessible on my home page : https://cutedgesystems.com There's also a new app, called RAIN for Ventura This is the app I've used to build and manage my web site (or, at least, the latest incarnation of my web site, which is almost 20 years old by now!) Enjoy...
Posted at 10:11AM UTC | permalink
Sun 02 Jan 2022
MailServe For Monterey with DKIM Support
Category : Technology/MailServeForMontereyWithDKIM.txt
I've released a MailServe for Monterey with support for DKIM This is one of the hardest thing I've done. To build OpenDKIM for Mac OS, I have to build libmilter, which depends on Unbound, which depends on Expat And I have to build Automake and Autoconf before that. At each step of the way, build failures abound. No wonder, I realised, I gave up so many times before. But here it is, a rare sighting of opendkim and libmilter for Mac OS in the wild, in Intel and ARM versions. You can paste in your DKIM keys from a current implementation Or simply generate a new key pair afresh. Either way, it only takes three steps to have a DKIM-enabled mail server 1. Generate DKIM Keys 2. Enable DKIM 3. Restart Mail Server. That's it. Enjoy! Better late than never? :) Happy New Year...
Posted at 3:05PM UTC | permalink
Sun 05 Dec 2021
Monterey SQL Installers Released
Category : Technology/MontereySQLInstallerReleased.txt
I've just released MySQL 8.0.27 Installer for Monterey and PostgreSQL 14.1 Installer for Monterey. They're for both Intel x86 and ARM Macs. You can find the links for the downloads on the Cutedge Systems home page
Posted at 6:25AM UTC | permalink
Sun 28 Nov 2021
OpenVPN Enabler For Mac OS Monterey
Category : Technology/OpenVPNEnablerForMOnterey3dot1dot1.txt
I've released version 3.1.1 of OpenVPN Enabler for Monterey. This fixes a bug with the launchd plist for the auto-scan job (for incoming threats to the mail server) that caused the job not to run. The Mail Threats table now separates new threats from threats that have already been blocked.There is now a time stamp shown for the last scan done on the mail server log, and the new threats are listed after that line. Also the table display always scrolls down to display the latest threats, if any. You can download it now. For free :). Enjoy!
Posted at 2:28PM UTC | permalink
Fri 26 Nov 2021
OpenVPN Enabler For Mac
Category : Technology/OpenVPNEnablerForMac.txt
Version 3.1 of the OpenVPN server installer for Mac, OpenVPN Enabler for Monterey, now features a user interface for the Mac OS Packet Filter (PF) Firewall. You can enter a table of IP addresses you want to keep out. And it automatically builds a table of mail-server-related threats by scanning the Postfix log at /var/log. You can set the scan job to run every few hours, so new threats are automatically swept up and nullified. OpenVPN Enabler for Monterey is free and available for download now.
Posted at 10:04AM UTC | permalink
Fri 19 Nov 2021
OpenVPN Enabler For Monterey
Category : Technology/OpenVPNEnablerForMonterey.txt
I've released OpenVPN Enabler For Monterey. It's free for download at http://cutedgesystems.com/software/OpenVPNEnablerForMonterey Now that I've been able to explore it again in depth, OpenVPN is surprisingly powerful. It does everything that the old Apple built-in VPNd can do. And it has the potential to do even more — if I can get more time to work on it. OpenVPN is very stable. Client profiles on the Mac and iOS devices are easy to set up. And, once you're connected to the VPN, all traffic to servers that you talk to, through the VPN, look like they're coming from the local network. And you can reach any resource on the local network using its local IP address, and this includes printers and other Macs (via Screen Sharing, File Sharing and Remote Login). Just like as if you're physically on the local network. Just about the only thing you can't do is browse the local network through a visual interface, like the Finder. For that, we'll need to go a few steps further and explore the use of the TAP interface. Now we're just using TUN. But maybe it's just as well not to expose too much of the local private network. OpenVPN Enabler For Monterey 3.0 is ready for download now.
Posted at 2:30PM UTC | permalink
Mon 08 Nov 2021
MailServe and WebMon MacOS Monterey
Category : Technology/MontereyApps2.txt
Finally, I've released MailServe for Monterey and WebMon for Monterey. I almost gave up when I couldn't get Dovecot to work on Monterey for the longest time. Now I can say, at least I've gotten back all the steps that I've lost when Apple started breaking things in Monterey. Now, I can move forward, at last, and do new things.
Posted at 10:17AM UTC | permalink
Wed 03 Nov 2021
Letsencrypt Enabler for Monterey
Category : Technology/MontereyAppsLetsencrypt.txt
Letsencrypt Enabler for Monterey is available here. This is the base, on top of which I can try to get the web server and mail server working again for Monterey. I'll work on the mail server next, now that I know how to get Dovecot working on Monterey again. As for the web server, the loss of PHP from a stock MacOS installation is a pain.
Posted at 3:58PM UTC | permalink Read more ...