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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

Creative Commons License

Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

Mon 07 Jul 2008

China Rail - The Importance of Being Punctual

Category : Commentary/CRH.txt

Okay, last post about China, in case anybody is interested in making a similar trip. We travelled between Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou via China Railway High-Speed (CRH)'s bullet train.

This is the relatve location of the four cities :

China Railway's bullet train system is very impressive. It's always on time and it makes travelling very easy from Shanghai to beyond (just 30 minutes between Shanghai and Suzhou, in the time I take to get from Woodlands in the north of Singapore to the Central Business District in the south via our own Mass Rapid Transit system and we all know how small Singapore is).

There's a bullet train between Shanghai and Beijing that I'd like to try out when I next get the chance. And I think it's possible to get from Shanghai to places like Xian and Chengdu via the same system.

This is a link to a China Rail map.

And in each of these cities that I've mentioned, there's a Ming Town Youth Hostel - which we stayed in and which I highly recommend if you don't mind roughing out (once I saw this, below, in Shanghai, everything else seemed such a bore) :

Another jibe at our MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) system. In the last four years, while we've been building our Circle Line and which we'll still be building next year or two, Shanghai had completed 4 (four !) new lines, making eight in all, including their own circle line, and much of these tunnelled under very dense built-up areas. Have we lost our spark, O people of Singapore? How can we compete? It's frightening, isn't it?

Posted at 6:14PM UTC | permalink


Category : Commentary/Hangzhou.txt

The joy of traveling is to discover delightful places. These are some of the pictures that I took when we were in Hangzhou :

I can work anywhere in the world, so long as I can get an Internet connection. I don't even need to be where my server is. If not for my kid's schooling, my wife and I would be quite happy to stay a few months each time in a different place. And Hangzhou would be one of those places. And, maybe, Beijing, too, in spite of the pollution, if they would have us.

Posted at 5:06PM UTC | permalink

Idle Distractions

Category : Commentary/IdleDistractions.txt

I'm supposed to be working on updates to DNS Enabler and WebMon for Leopard, but I'm distracted by the thought of having to update my weblog.

So why bother writing a weblog?

That's a thought I've had more than once.

Would I be more productive if I stop wasting time writing entries into this weblog? I probably would.

But anyway, now that I've got going, here's a thought -

Apple's WWDC has gotten bigger with each passing year. This year, it was even sold-out, which is supposed to be the first time that had ever happened. And, if you plot the trajectory, that's probably not going to be the last.

A particular dream of mine is that we have a conference for Mac developers, that is like WWDC, but where we don't have to fly so far to San Franciso, but that is held each year in a different city in Asia, like the way Siggraph holds its conference in a different city in the US each year.

So, since WWDC is so big, maybe we can spin off some of it into an Asian conference. Then we could have it one year in Singapore, then in Hong Kong, and then in Tokyo. And it need not be a major city. You can have it one year in a place like Hangzhou in China, which is actually, potentially, quite marvellous as a convention city, whether anyone else has realised that or not (and which would be quite a lot of fun getting to).

So, is there anyone else in the world who has a dream just like this?

Posted at 4:40PM UTC | permalink

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