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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Business Machine - Archives

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Wed 05 Mar 2008

A few nights in Beijing

Category : Commentary/Beijing.txt

I'm leaving Friday evening for a few days' visit to Beijing. My wife thought that I probably wouldn't pass up a chance to see The Forbidden City, and she's right. Any other place, and I would probably find it all too much trouble. I wouldn't miss this, even though it may be too cold up there right now for the liking of this southerner.

We're going to stay at a hotel somewhere in the lower right corner of the picture, below, which is an aerial Google Earth view of the Forbidden City.

I was at the tour agency and I was wondering why a lot of these companies won't let their staff get onto the Internet. I thought that's pretty dumb. Once I saw how I could zoom right down over those terra-cotta roof-tops, and imagined how it would be like walking those streets, I was sold on going to Beijing. Try stopping me from coming.

Posted at 5:13AM UTC | permalink

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