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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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The Ultimate Business Machine - Archives

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Sat 28 Jun 2008

China's March to Modernity

Category : Commentary/ChinaMarchToModernity.txt

I'm borrowing the phrase "March to Modernity" from Kishore Mahbubani's book, "The New Asian Hemisphere", subtitled "The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East", though whether it is irresistible or not, I don't yet know. Writes Mahbubani (who's been known to question whether Asians can think):

"When many Western observers look at China, they cannot see beyond the lack of a democratic political system. They miss the massive democratization of the human spirit that is taking place in China. Hundreds of millions of Chinese who thought they were destined for endless poverty now believe that they can improve their lives through their own efforts. ... The real value of free-market economics is not just in the improvements in economic productivity. It is about how it uplifts the human spirit and liberates the minds of hundreds of millions of people who now feel that they can finally take charge of their destinies. This is why Asia is marching forward."

It's been two weeks since since I've been back from China. And I'm still processing the impressions. Before I left, I would have thought I would be excited to write about what I'm going to be seeing. But early on in the trip, I've had the feeling that maybe it would be wise to just keep still and think - because things are going on there now that are going to change the trajectory of the rest of our lives - for me, my family and especially for my kid.

So for now, just some photographs from the trip - through Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou via the "bullet train". It had been a great trip.

Posted at 12:49AM UTC | permalink

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