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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Sun 02 Apr 2006

Live Strong

Category : Commentary/LiveStrong.txt

I hate Windows and all that it stands for with a vengeance. But I resolved long ago that, if we want to be able to go on using our Macs in business, we've got to be able to handle all that Windows will throw at us without breaking into a sweat.

That's how we've been able to hang on to our PowerBooks through some bleak years working with Windows-centric client companies, some of whom were happily using Macs till some "consultant" or IT manager came to throw them out.

I've seen them all - Richard Ellis, AGF, among others, and most painful of all, Motorola - home of the PowerPC and 68000 chip. And IT managers gleefully selling off perfectly usable, even brand-new Macs for 20 bucks.

It's a question of attitude. I wouldn't do this - ethnic cleansing for the machines. Even if we could do it, "forward migration" as somebody calls it, and move a company from PCs to Macs, I would still find use for the PCs, and use them till they really die. It's about conservation, and cutting down on waste - not least about the waste of the human spirit.

That's why although I'll still work on Windows, it's all "aridity and disenchantment" - there's nothing noble behind that spirit.

I borrow "Live Strong" from, of course, Lance Armstrong, multiple Tour de France winner, whose books (love him or loathe him) make very interesting reading. There's another one I've just finished - Lance Armstrong's War by Daniel Coyle - exhilarating reading for a sports fan or cycling buff.

Posted at 12:02PM UTC | permalink

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