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Weblog Archive Cutedge

by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Business Machine - Archives

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Sun 29 Aug 2004

Airport Express Close-Up

Category : Commentary/aeCloseUp.txt

I like the Airport Express a lot. It takes so much less space than the Airport Base Station it replaces. It's nice to look at and is easy to set up. The 10-concurrent access limit is not a problem for home users (I'll probably only ever have need for four or five max). And the price is right.

I've only used two out of the possible three connections. I don't have speakers connected at the moment, but one line goes to the broadband modem (next to the Airport Express) and the other goes to the USB-based Epson Stylus 870.

But notice the size of the power plug that we use in Singapore. It'll be interesting to trace how we came to choose the three-pin type plug. Is it possible, now, to switch en-masse to the thinner two-pin plugs - because the day will come, soon, when many of the equipment we use are actually smaller than the power plug they need.

While we're on this, doesn't driving on the "wrong" side of the road, left when most countries use the right, increase our cost of operations? I mean, car designers would design, by default, cars with steering wheels on the left. But, while designing, they have to remember that there will be versions of the cars made, with the steering wheel switched to the right, like the ones we use in Singapore. So there will always be that extra cost. Then, there's also the greater chance that I'll get knocked down by a car when I next go to WWDC, because I happpened to look out the wrong side when I'm crossing the road in San Francisco. It has happened, once too often. So maybe we should spend our time standardising on these, rather than on Windows.

Posted at 2:21AM UTC | permalink

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