Business Machine

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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Mon 16 Jun 2003


Category : Commentary/coopetition.txt

In "Co-opetition" by Brandenburger and Nalebuff, Intel's Andy Grove made a rather surprising comment about the other half of the Wintel duopoly, "Microsoft doesn't share the same sense of urgency [to come up with an improved PC]. The typical PC doesn't push the limits of our processors ... It's simply not as good as it should be, and that's not good for our customers."

But we all know who's always been pushing at the limits of technology. Perhaps it should not be surprising if, one fine day, Mac users are going to be using Intel chips. After all, by several accounts including Andy Grove's, he and Steve Jobs have kept up a rather friendly dialogue all these years. When the migration to OS X is complete, soon, things may get even more interesting.

While on the subject of Co-opetition - which means helping to grow the pie so big even your own slice gets to be a healthy portion - that's basically what I'm trying to do with the "Bulletin Board as Ultimate Business Machine" idea. Without an ecosystem that will allow the Mac-using community to connect with each other and create new value out of the associations, there's no pie to begin with. Or whatever it is, is meagre and small. Let's not fight for the crumbs. Let's grow the pie, instead.

Posted at 5:31AM UTC | permalink

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Luca for Mavericks

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