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by: Bernard Teo

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Bernard Teo
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Tue 24 Aug 2004

Freedom of Choice

Category : Commentary/freedomOfChoice.txt

In this article, "Consumers Say Apple Should Share", there's this last paragraph :

According to GartnerG2's McGuire, "the real test for Apple and everybody else in the online music world will be when Microsoft unleashes its online store--and when portability comes to subscription services such as Rhapsody and Napster's premium services." In this case, he said it might be difficult to successfully run a proprietary format, "as the market choices expand, and consumers become more aware of them."

"The real test will be when Microsoft unleashes its online store..." "in this case, it might be difficult to successfully run a proprietary format..."

As if Microsoft won't be pushing a "proprietary format" of its own?

"Consumers are always going to want choice." But we're already exercising our right to choose by choosing the Mac. And the iPod.

The difference between the Mac and the iPod is that the iPod is outside the reach of IT Departments. People buy what they want and there are no Thought Police around to ban the iPod on ideological grounds - like that contorted definition of what it means to be proprietary.

The business press is still waiting for Apple to fall flat from its "proprietary" leanings. What if, instead of dying, Apple grows from strength to strength with its iPods? Won't it be time to rewrite the history books?

Microsoft didn't win the "platform wars" because its strategy was manifest destiny. If it were so, it will win this war, easily too. So, let's wait and see.

Posted at 12:17PM UTC | permalink

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