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Sun 29 Feb 2004
A Web and Mail Server on a Clamshell iBook
Category : Commentary/oldmacusers.txt
Rob Duncan is running a mail server for two domains (turned on using Postfix Enabler), as well as a web server, on an original clamshell iBook. As for us, I rotate our server between a Graphite (original) iMac, and an old G4 PowerMac. And I remember a comment someone made about running Internet servers on old Macs. So I searched my mail archives and, yes, it was Terry Allen, "Just a quick email to separate my last comments/suggestions, I noticed your point about older macs being useful - quite right - I have OSX 10.3.1 running on my old blue & white G3 450 with 256MB RAM & an 18GB Seagate Cheetah 10000rpm HD - it is running Tenon's iTools 7.2 & quite a few virtual hosts - runs great, thought you'd be interested in it. No need to chuck out those older macs." Also, I know my cousin is among the huge contingent of Mac users over at Sun (count James Gosling, Richard P. Gabriel, John Gage, and Bill Joy among the luminaries), though he uses the sleek Pismo-era PowerBook that he upgraded with a G4 processor and is now running Panther on. So there is plenty of life left in old Macs. I bet Apple's "share of use" is a lot higher than its so-called market-share numbers, whatever they mean.
Posted at 5:40AM UTC | permalink
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