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by: Bernard Teo

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Copyright © 2003-2012
Bernard Teo
Some Rights Reserved.

The Ultimate Business Machine - Archives

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Thu 21 Apr 2016

Category : Database/FixXcode.txt

I have been searching Google for the solution to this very cryptic error message, "target specifies product type but there’s no such product type for the iphonesimulator platform", for months.

We've now come to trust Google to index even the minutest and most inconsequential of web pages so that if anyone in the world had mentioned that they've been stymied by a problem and, better still, they've found a solution to get past it, then Google would have found it on our behalf. Right? That's Google's prowess, and that's why they're worth billions, trillions even. Right?

But, no. I've searched fruitlessly for months. Nothing turned up. I was building libmysqlclient as an Xcode project, but every time the build will halt when it hit that "" error. I have since found a way to hack around that problem, but it held me up for months

Today, I restarted work on my Duomo project, my own replacement for Dreamweaver, etc. To do that I need to understand Safari WebKit. And the first thing I read today while working on Safari WebKit? "The first time after you install a new Xcode, you will need to run sudo Tools/Scripts/configure-xcode-for-ios-development in the Terminal to enable Xcode to build command line tools for iOS Simulator. Otherwise you will see the [stupid] error message ...”. 


There. So big. The solution's there. On Apple's web page. Or does Google avoid indexing Apple's web pages : )

Posted at 1:39PM UTC | permalink

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