Fri 29 Dec 2006
Airport on MacBook Core 2 Duo
Category : Commentary/AirportExtreme80211g.txt
I was having terrible Airport reception from my MacBook Core 2 Duo, when accessing an Airport Extreme Base Station. The reception was poor, wasn't steady, often wavering, and it even lost connection entirely now and then. Applying the latest Airport Software Update didn't seem to have any effect. Then I thought of switching the Airport Extreme Base Station to use only 802.11g with a multi-cast rate of 6. Now, changing the multi-cast rate was probably voodoo/superstition, because I don't quite understand the effect that was having, but using 802.11g exclusively seems to have fixed the problem for me.
Posted at 6:04AM UTC | permalink
Category : Commentary/PayPalUpdate.txt
I think I've found where we're getting jammed up contacting PayPal whenever traffic on the 'Net gets too heavy, and because of this our server couldn't tell it had to generate a serial number to send out. But I think I can fix that now. Things have gone back to normal. I can even access Macsurfer again, which I couldn't the last two days, so welcome back.
Posted at 5:12AM UTC | permalink